
Disciplinary and Dismissal

Being the subject of disciplinary action at work can be very distressing, especially if you feel that it is unjustified or unfairly motivated. Disciplinary action can lead to challenges later in your career, to bad feeling at work and, of course, potentially to you losing your job and means of income. If you feel that you are being unfairly disciplined or have been dismissed without just cause, our specialist employment lawyers may be able to help.

Employers do have the right to take formal disciplinary action and, potentially, to dismiss staff where appropriate – usually as a result of consistently poor performance or unacceptable behaviour in the workplace. However, the rules around disciplinary action and dismissal are strictly governed by employment legislation. Employers must follow a formal procedure and apply it fairly, without prejudice or discrimination.

If you are under threat of this sort of action, or have already been dismissed, you should seek expert legal advice to make sure that any action taken against you is legitimate, especially if you believe it to be unjustified, and to ensure that the correct procedures are being followed.

Our experienced employment lawyers have supported employees in a wide range of disciplinary and dismissal cases. We will help you to understand your rights, explore whether your employer is following the correct procedure and advise you on your best course of action, including, if your employment is terminated, taking the matter to the Employment Tribunal.

We can:

  • Advise you about any disciplinary process being taken against you and how to respond to it.
  • Negotiate the terms of a Settlement Agreement.
  • Assist you in making a claim to an Employment Tribunal.
  • Represent you at any Tribunal Hearing.


Steph Marsh

Head of Employment

Ivelina White


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A photo of Steph Marsh

Steph Marsh

Head of Employment

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