Legal Jargon

A personal specially trained to provide support and assistance to patients subject to section.

Sets out the rights and freedoms that are guaranteed under the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). Article 5 of the Human Rights Act outlines the right to liberty and security, and the conditions that must be applied when a person is detained against their will, for example if they are sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

The non-clinical managers responsible for the administration of the hospital. They can consider applications for discharge made by detained patients by way of a Managers Review.

Someone who is detained in hospital under the Mental Health Act.

To spend time off the ward accompanied by a member of staff. Referred to as s17 leave.

To change Nearest Relative either by consent or displacement proceedings.

To be admitted to hospital and not allowed to leave.

The responsible clinician can discharge someone who has been held under certain sections back into the community where they will continue to receive treatment. A CTO will set certain conditions for this discharge and if these conditions are breached and the person becomes unwell, they can be returned to hospital.

Team that supports people in the community with mental health problems and their carers.

Mental health professional such as a nurse, social worker or other mental health worker. They are responsible for undertaking an assessment to work out health and social care needs in the community. They are the main point of contact and support if you require ongoing support after discharge.

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