Legal Jargon

A person’s ability to understand information and make and communicate decisions about their life. The Court of Protection can be asked to determine whether a person has capacity. Where they do not have capacity, the Court can make decisions and appoint people to make decisions for them in their best interests.

Mental health professionals approved by local social services to carry out duties under the Mental Health Act, including to coordinate assessment and admission when someone is sectioned. Usually a social worker, nurse, occupational therapist or psychologist.

Medical treatment that is suitable, available and takes into account the nature and degree of the mental health problem and individual’s circumstances.

A medical professional called to the police station if medical assessment or treatment is required.

To be discharged from section under the Mental Health Act and from hospital without any conditions.

Absolute human rights that cannot be taken away under any circumstances e.g. the right to a fair trial.

This is when a person is discharged from hospital but remains liable to be brought back into hospital.
Conditional discharges only apply to patients sectioned under the Mental Health act, charged with a crime and to a restricted patient under a restriction order; or when they are transferred to hospital from prison under Mental Health Act, a restricted patient under a restricted direction.

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