David Usher is an Associate in the Personal Injury department, having joined Coodes in 2023.

He has specialised in personal injury for over 10 years. During this time, David has gained an extensive range of experience dealing with everything from low value claims right through to more complex and higher value personal injury claims.

David became a Senior Litigator for APIL in 2023 and followed this in 2024 by being appointed as an accredited specialist with the Law Society Personal Injury Accreditation Scheme.

Law society logo for accedited personal injury   


David strives to build a strong relationship with clients at an early stage of instruction in order to ensure the best outcome possible in claims.

He is empathetic and understanding and prides himself on supporting clients through the sometimes complex and often alien process, of bringing a personal injury claim.

He is particularly welcoming to clients who have never experienced the legal process involved with commencing a claim for personal injury and is always on hand to answer any concerns or questions that the client may have throughout the process of their claim.

David has experience in dealing with a variety of different claims and will strive to achieve the best possible settlement for his clients, whether the claim is a straightforward accident with a quick recovery or a more complex and life-changing accident resulting in lifelong injuries.

Where possible, David is a strong advocate of trying to settle a claim without the requirement for the client to attend court and will often explore various settlement tactics to achieve a positive end goal in this regard.

David has a track record of securing results for clients and has settled in excess of 250 claims to date in his career.

Notable Personal Injury cases

  • Orthopaedic Injury

    David successfully recovered a large sum for a female client who slipped on loose gravel when arriving at her place of work. The fall resulted in a fracture to the femur as well as a dislocated ankle and various soft tissue injuries. The courts accepted that the inspection and maintenance policies the Defendant had in place were not acceptable and found Judgment in favour of the Claimant.

  • Dog Bite

    David secured a positive settlement for a Claimant who was attacked by two dogs whilst walking past the entrance to a farmyard. The Claimant sustained various lacerations across their arms and legs that resulted in permanent scarring.

  • Road Traffic Accident

    Working with another fee-earner in a serious road traffic accident claim which has left the female driver with life-altering injuries when another driver drove head on into our client’s vehicle. The injuries sustained have resulted in vast home-alterations being required in which multiple experts have been required to assist in both the physical and psychological injuries sustained.

  • Accident at Work

    Working with one of the Partners in a high-value accident at work claim. The Claimant was injured when scaffolding fell from height onto their head, causing significant neurological and psychological injuries, with the claim being filed at the High Court.

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