
Mental Health Services

Our expert Mental Health & Mental Capacity team provides a comprehensive range of services to individuals and their families addressing issues around the Mental Health Act (MHA) and community treatment orders. We understand how alienating and isolating it can be to have people making important decisions about you or your loved one, especially when these relate to such fundamental issues as your health and liberty. We will take the time to understand your individual circumstances and use our experience and expertise to help you find the most appropriate solution.

We can help you with a wide range of issues including:

  • Advice and representation before the first-tier tribunal if you have been detained in hospital under the MHA, given a community treatment order or placed under guardianship.
  • Accessing aftercare funding if you have previously been detained under Section 3 or 37 of the MHA. In these instances, you are entitled to funding to promote and maintain your health and wellbeing.
  • Advice about ‘nearest relative’ powers and responsibilities
  • Displacement of ‘nearest relative’ – changing the person who has ‘nearest relative’ powers


Rebecca Moore


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