We support businesses with commercially focused legal solutions that drive growth and protect and preserve your assets and reputations.
Whatever your business, we can help you prosper.
We provide legal support to address the major challenges in life and protect your family and finances.
From relationship breakdowns or personal injuries to property or criminal defence, we can help you achieve the best outcome for you and your family.
Here is the latest in a series of podcasts from Coodes Solicitors. ‘Coodes Conversations’ explores some of the most topical legal matters.
Episode 12 – Avoiding home moving hell with tips for a smooth move
Moving home can be incredibly exciting, but equally stressful – hundreds of thousands of people do it every year. Occasionally things do go wrong, but there is a lot that you can do to ensure your move goes as smoothly as possible.
In this episode of ‘Coodes Conversations’ Kathryn Shaw from our residential property team talks to us about some of the potential pitfalls and nightmares when it comes to buying a new home and gives her top tips for ensuring a smooth move…
Kathryn Shaw
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As of 6th April 2024, paternity leave will be changing to reflect a shifting attitude…
What steps should you take if you suspect someone is committing financial abuse as a…