Legal Jargon

Someone who has agreed to stay in hospital of their own free will. They are free to discharge themselves and decide whether or not to follow a treatment plan.

Time spent off the ward. Permission for leave is granted by the Responsible Clinician. The permission can require the patient to be escorted or not, and varies in duration, frequency and venue.

Section under Mental Health Act that allows a police officer to take someone to a place of safety for assessment.

The free help and support health authorities and local social services have a duty to provide when someone has been discharged from section and hospital.

A phrase used to refer to being detained under a section of the Mental Health Act 1983.

A term used to describe the formal ending of a legal arrangement or order and a return to a previous arrangement.

The mental health professional in charge of someone’s care and treatment while they are sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

Someone who is returned to hospital either from s17 leave, a Community Treatment Order or conditional discharge.

Qualified human rights are rights that can legally be restricted if certain conditions are met, for example, the right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence.

A qualified doctor, such as a GP or psychiatrist.

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